Business League of Charity

IQ Sport Advisory Group, Mayor of Aleksandrow Lodzki and Magellan S.A. organize charity event named “Business League of Charity”.

It will be held on June 8th (Saturday) 2013, at MOSiR Stadium in Aleksandrow Lodzki.

“Business League of Charity” is a football meeting of businessmen and entrepreneurs representing a variety of industries, every year joining participants in a good cause.

Special guests of the first match are well known Polish coaches – Michal Probierz and Czeslaw Michniewicz, who will lead the teams.

The aim of the project is to collect funds for the institutions supporting children from families at risk of social exclusion. This time, business representatives will meet on the field to support pupils of the common room at the School No. 1 in Aleksandrow Lodzki.


"Euro 2012 - I see no other way out, in addition to success"

— Michel Platini

"Plans are worthless, but planning is everything"

— Eisenhower

"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me... Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful... that’s what matters to me."

— Steve Jobs

"CRM cannot be installed but must be adopted"

— Don Peppers

"If there is something we cannot do more efficiently, cheaper and better than our competitors, there is no point in doing it and we should hire for this job someone who will do it better than us"

— Henry Ford

"Time is the friend of the wonderful company, the enemy of the mediocre"

— Warren Buffett


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